Moving Your Small Business


Often, moving your business is a positive financial sign. You have simply outgrown your current spot and now need to move your employees and inventory to another, better location. No matter how thrilled you are to be relocating, the task of safely moving can be daunting. Careful preparation before the move can make the transition much easier. 

Move Meeting

As the big day approaches, you need to hold a building-wide meeting to prepare employees for the actual move. Give out packets containing all the relevant information, such as dates, locations, and duties, to each employee. Assign teams to handle different aspects of the move. Also, inform the employees about the new space and give out maps of the facilities. 


Provide each employee with packing materials, including labels and heavy duty plastic storage containers. These containers are particularly helpful because they will protect important business items while they are in transit, and they will provide additional storage once you arrive at the new building. Heavy duty plastic totes are excellent for transporting the items in each employee's desk. Packing of non-essential items can begin several weeks before moving day, and using a color-coding system will help keep things organized.

Moving Day(s)

You will need to oversee the moving teams as they begin unpacking. They should be able to quickly get the heavy duty plastic storage bins to the correct location using the color-coding chart. Focus on unpacking the essential items first. Keep the long-term storage items in stackable plastic storage containers in the warehouse or in another storage area. Do a walk-through of all areas to determine when they will be operational. You may need several days to move, depending on the size of your business and the smoothness of your operation.


You will be in the process of moving for weeks after you actually make the physical move. You will be tweaking communications and employee locations until you are satisfied that everything is running at peak capacity. Exercise patience as everyone becomes acclimated to their new surroundings. 

Moving your business is often a sign of success. You are thriving and need a new space to accommodate all the great things that are happening for your organization. After you have chosen the perfect new location, take the time to inform and organize your employees into a top moving team. The transition will go smoothly, and your business will not skip a beat. 


16 June 2015

using storage units as an extention of your home

So many people make the mistake of thinking that storage facilities are only useful when the amount of belongings in the home becomes too much to handle. The truth is, storage units can be used as an extension of your home. Do you enjoy crafting but don't have the space to store all of your supplies? Do you enjoy brewing your own beer but lack the space to store all of the bottled drinks? These are just two of the many examples of ways you can use a storage unit to make living your life a little easier with a hobby.